Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day! My fondest memories go back to elementary school when my class mates would exchange cards by placing the Valentine envelopes on the desk of the receiver. At the end of the day, our paper tokens of friendship and love were carted home in brown bags decorated in lacy paper doilies and red construction paper hearts. I would eagerly run into my bedroom and spill the contents on to the thread bare chenille spread and fan the pile out in both directions looking for familiar and the much desired script of a favorite friend or admirer. Looking back, I don't remember being disappointed to a point of sorrow. I examined each card after removing it from it's fragile envelope and attempted to analyze why "Susie so and so" gave me an elephant with ears shaped like big hearts (were my ears too large?) or "Johnny I love to chase on the playground" gave me a Valentine featuring a blue bunny with huge dark eyes clutching a red heart with the inscription "be my Valentine".... did he love me? Naturally, the night before, I agonized over which valentine would go to whom. The teacher was easy because beneath that tangle of paper valentines in the flimsy plastic covered container was ONE valentine specifically for the teacher ~ usually had an apple on it. But under the glow of the dining room light, I would make piles of cards designated to whom I adored, who I thought were nice, those who were closeted in their own worlds and those were just outright bullies.
As I got older, the tradition of exchanging cards fell to the wayside. I, however, never gave up the love for the day to honor love. There were small heart shaped boxes filled with chocolates for Gabriel and Jacob (use to be Brachs, now it's Godiva), heart shaped sugar cookies dripping with pink and red frosting for co-workers, hand-made Valentine's for Dad and Mom (who else would appreciate a hand-made card from a 53 year old?) and store bought Valentine's for Fletch ~ oozing with words of love and silhouettes of lovers walking on the beach or embracing with the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop ~ placed strategically around the house for him to find when he bends over to wash his face in the sink or pulls back his bedcovers at night. How much do I love Valentine's Day? I married on Valentine's Day in 1988. But I know my love for Valentine's Day is exclusive to some. Most gage their present love life by Valentine's Day, some (mostly men) believe it was a holiday made up by Hallmark to sell cards ~ some just don't even think about it, forgetting the day exists. Case in point: last Wednesday, I brought, made from scratch, delightfully frosted and decorated red velvet cupcakes to Bible Study and the ladies looked at me and said in unison, "oh, right! It's Valentine's Day this weekend". Well, so much for love. Now, if you are able to bear any more Valentine mush go to for a few Valentine photos.
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