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No! This is not in reference to the Michael Jackson film, this is about me and my final days with the United States Postal Service. There have been many fitful nights, tossing and turning in bed, my thoughts flooded with fear, excitement and anticipation of a decision I made ~ which in all degrees is live changing. To turn my back on a secure income which has allowed me many comforts and freedom, to walk away from an organization which has labeled, but not defined me, for the past 27 years and to suddenly not share my life with those close to me who are not my family but friends, co-workers and customers is a monumental event. The million dollar question has been, "What are you going to do"? I tried responding with a clever quip without being condescending.... "Perfect my Guitar Hero techniques"..."write a novel"...."watch every movie Netflix has to rent".... in all honesty, I do not know. But! I have dreams and ideals and visions ~ practical and far fetched ~ it's all up to God and me. I am the Captain of my ship, I am in the driver seat. Check out my family, co-workers and some of my favorite customers at
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