The Last Day in May
You may be wondering why the Cheech and Chong photo. Fletch and I saw them at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center this past Friday. I decided on a more youthful photo of them because... well..... you may not have recognized them otherwise. What I learned about myself after seeing Cheech and Chong is I have become a prude. Don't get me wrong, there were more than a few times during the show that I had tears (and mascara) running down the cheeks of my face from laughter. But the clumsy attempts to convince the senescent portion of the audience that their sexual prowess and ability to live a daily life in a marijuana haze fell flat with me. I have to admit, I took a stroll down memory lane. The funniest line came from Tommy Chong who said a stoner, who couldn't find his way through a door could become Mc Givor in a flash when a bong had to be created out of nothing. How true, how true. How would I know that! Well I had my "stoner days" but they are far,far.... almost, a lifetime behind me. I am a wino now.
So, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. After a week of vog (volcanic haze courtesy of Madame Pele) and no trade winds, Mauians suffered from the most brutal weather. It was hot and humid, no wind with air that looked, smelled and felt like it was expelled from the lungs of an ancient dragon. Today, the trades are back, the sky is the most tranquil shade of blue and fluffy white clouds are sitting daintily on the tops of the West Maui mountains. It is a day made for lounging, doing nothing... I am signing off to do just that.

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